HTML 5 Basic Concepts

Basic Elements of Html 5

Basic HTML5 File

Heading tags (h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6)

Paragaph Tags, New line, Break tags, bold tags, italic tags,underline tags, superscript tags, subscript tags, deleted & etc

<P> for paregraph.

<b> or <strong> for Bold.

<i> or <ens> for italic.

<sub> for subscript.

<sup> for superscript.

<del> for Deleted.

Order List & Un-order list

Order List

  1. Food
  2. Book
  3. Copy
  4. Pen

Note in order List we also reverse number using reversed

  1. Food
  2. Book
  3. Copy
  4. Pen

Note in order List we can start any number using start=””

  1. Food
  2. Book
  3. Copy
  4. Pen

Note in order List we can also used type=”A, a, I, other types of order list” for better control

Un-order list

  • Food
  • Book
  • Copy
  • Pen

Images & direct link to images


We can use width, height, and align (left, Right, Center) to control images struture.

Direct Links

URL (Its also called hotlink)






Drop down & select and options

We can use type=”submit”, and value=”change name”, and type=”placeholder” for default selected





Link tags

Words Back to top

Video and Audio links

Coding source

        <title>Basic Elements of Html 5</title>
    <p id="top">Basic HTML5 File</p>
    <h1>Heading tags (h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6)</h1>
    <p><b>Paragaph Tags, New line, Break tags, bold tags, italic tags,underline tags, superscript tags, subscript tags, deleted & etc</b></p>
    <p> &lt;P&gt; for paregraph.</p>
    <p><b> &lt;b&gt; or &lt;strong&gt; for Bold.</b></p>
    <p><i> &lt;i&gt; or &lt;ens&gt; for italic.</i></p>
    <p><sub> &lt;sub&gt; for subscript.</sub></p>
    <p><sup> &lt;sup&gt; for superscript.</sup></p>
    <p><del> &lt;del&gt; for Deleted.</del></p>

    <p><h2>Order List & Un-order list</h2></p>
    <p><h3>Order List</h3>
    <h4>Note in order List we also reverse number using reversed</h4>
    <ol reversed>
    <h4>Note in order List we can start any number using start=""</h4>
    <ol start="3">
    <h4>Note in order List we can also used type="A, a, I, other types of order list" for better control</h4>
    <p><h3>Un-order list</h3>


    <p>Images & direct link to images</p>
    <p><img src="images/loogodaunne.JPG" width="" height="" align=""></p><p> Images.</p>
    <p>We can use width, height, and align (left, Right, Center) to control images struture.</p>

    <h4>Direct Links</h4>
    <p><img src="URL">URL (Its also called hotlink)</p>

        <p>USERNAME : <input type="text"></p>
        <p>CHEAKBOX<input type="checkbox"></p>
        <p id="radio">RADIO <input type="radio" name="radio"></P>
        <p>RADIO CHEAK<input type="radio" name="radio"></p>
<h3>Drop down & select and options</h3>

<p><input type="submit" value="SUBMIT"></p>    
<h4>We can use type="submit", and value="change name", and type="placeholder" for default selected </h4>

<h2> Thead</h2>
<thead style="border: 1px solid black;">

<table border>



<h2>Link tags</h2>
<a href="">Words</a>
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
<a href="#top">Back to top</a>


<h2>Video and Audio links</h2>
<p><video width="" height="" controls><source src="" type="mp4"></video></p>
    <p><audio width="" height="" controls><source src="" type="mp4"></audio></p>

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