Basic HTML5 File
Heading tags (h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6)
Paragaph Tags, New line, Break tags, bold tags, italic tags,underline tags, superscript tags, subscript tags, deleted & etc
<P> for paregraph.
<b> or <strong> for Bold.
<i> or <ens> for italic.
<sub> for subscript.
<sup> for superscript.
<del> for Deleted.
Order List & Un-order list
Order List
- Food
- Book
- Copy
- Pen
Note in order List we also reverse number using reversed
- Food
- Book
- Copy
- Pen
Note in order List we can start any number using start=””
- Food
- Book
- Copy
- Pen
Note in order List we can also used type=”A, a, I, other types of order list” for better control
Un-order list
- Food
- Book
- Copy
- Pen
Images & direct link to images
We can use width, height, and align (left, Right, Center) to control images struture.
Direct Links
URL (Its also called hotlink)
We can use type=”submit”, and value=”change name”, and type=”placeholder” for default selected
ME | ME2 | ME3 |
ME | ME2 | ME3 |
Link tags
Words Back to topVideo and Audio links
Coding source
<title>Basic Elements of Html 5</title>
<p id="top">Basic HTML5 File</p>
<h1>Heading tags (h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6)</h1>
<p><b>Paragaph Tags, New line, Break tags, bold tags, italic tags,underline tags, superscript tags, subscript tags, deleted & etc</b></p>
<p> <P> for paregraph.</p>
<p><b> <b> or <strong> for Bold.</b></p>
<p><i> <i> or <ens> for italic.</i></p>
<p><sub> <sub> for subscript.</sub></p>
<p><sup> <sup> for superscript.</sup></p>
<p><del> <del> for Deleted.</del></p>
<p><h2>Order List & Un-order list</h2></p>
<p><h3>Order List</h3>
<h4>Note in order List we also reverse number using reversed</h4>
<ol reversed>
<h4>Note in order List we can start any number using start=""</h4>
<ol start="3">
<h4>Note in order List we can also used type="A, a, I, other types of order list" for better control</h4>
<p><h3>Un-order list</h3>
<p>Images & direct link to images</p>
<p><img src="images/loogodaunne.JPG" width="" height="" align=""></p><p> Images.</p>
<p>We can use width, height, and align (left, Right, Center) to control images struture.</p>
<h4>Direct Links</h4>
<p><img src="URL">URL (Its also called hotlink)</p>
<p>USERNAME : <input type="text"></p>
<p>CHEAKBOX<input type="checkbox"></p>
<p id="radio">RADIO <input type="radio" name="radio"></P>
<p>RADIO CHEAK<input type="radio" name="radio"></p>
<h3>Drop down & select and options</h3>
<p><input type="submit" value="SUBMIT"></p>
<h4>We can use type="submit", and value="change name", and type="placeholder" for default selected </h4>
<h2> Thead</h2>
<thead style="border: 1px solid black;">
<table border>
<h2>Link tags</h2>
<a href="">Words</a>
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
<a href="#top">Back to top</a>
<h2>Video and Audio links</h2>
<p><video width="" height="" controls><source src="" type="mp4"></video></p>
<p><audio width="" height="" controls><source src="" type="mp4"></audio></p>