It is summer now. What do people do and how to do it when the heat makes them conquered? Everyone is worried about where it will be cool and what it will be cool to eat. So you should pay attention to what you eat in summer.
It is summer now. What do people do and how to do it when the heat makes them conquered? Everyone is worried about where it will be cool and what it will be cool to eat. So you should pay attention to eating during summer. In summer, dehydration can lead to various infections and health problems. As the risk of dehydration is very high in summer, experts advise to pay special attention to your eating habits and increase the immunity of the body.
Fruits like carrots, turnips, spinach, cucumbers, melons, nuts, mangoes should be eaten. It is very good to eat such seasonal fruits in summer. It also relieves the problem of acidity. Eating such seasonal vegetables and fruits keeps the body cool.
According to nutritionists, due to excessive sweating of human body in summer, electrolyte becomes unbalanced. Therefore, in addition to regular meals, it is important to have plenty of fruits and vegetables and plenty of salads. In summer, for adequate supply of water in the body, one should eat enough water-rich vegetables and herbs like bean, bitter gourd, squash, spinach, green bean.
In the summer, it is necessary to include milk, fruits, juices, sprouted nuts, etc. as a snack. In addition, it is better to include dal rice in the breakfast.
Eating fiber-rich vegetables, banda and cauliflower and bread in the evening is said to be healthy and easy to digest.
Consumption of green tea or cold coffee is also beneficial to avoid dehydration in summer. As there are problems in the digestive system of the body during summer, light food should be eaten otherwise there is a risk of indigestion. It is easier to digest fast food but it is easier to digest it than eating too much food over a long period of time.
You should also eat seasonal fruits like watermelon, melon, cucumber, lychee, apple, which provide adequate water supply to the body and also increase immunity. It is necessary to drink yogurt, sugarcane juice, coconut water and lassi instead of the cold drinks available in the market.
It is better not to eat fried foods in oil. Do not cook for long periods of time, eat quickly. Eating stale food increases the risk of infection.